Electronic Specifier – MPE protects submarine in BBC TV drama
Electronic Specifier has published one of our recent application bulletins: MPE protects submarine in BBC TV drama.
Electronic Specifier has published one of our recent application bulletins: MPE protects submarine in BBC TV drama.
HEMP shelters from Jaxon for the DoD Jaxon have constructed many modular hardened shelters for a US DoD program, incorporating suites of MPE’s high-performance HEMP power line and AC and DC control line filters. Two MPE power line filters are located on the left wall of the shelter pictured above.
Equipping Royal Malaysian Air Force Hawks MPE ceramic filter products have been incorporated in BAE Systems Hawk aircraft platforms for over 20 years, ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility, one with another, of disparate electrical and electronics avionics systems operating on board, such as instrumentation, navigation, communications and weapons systems.
High-performance solutions for satcoms innovator NTD Shielding Services have installed three bespoke chamber solutions for Isotropic Systems at Reading, each incorporating MPE’s high-performance EMC filters. With offices in the UK and USA, Isotropic Systems is a world-leading developer of transformational broadband terminal technologies named in the Lazard T100 Index.
TEMPEST power line filters for Hunt Class upgrade As part and parcel of new systems being retrofitted to the vessels in a major upgrade, in March 2021 MPE manufactured and supplied TEMPEST power line filter sets for four of the six Royal Navy Hunt Class minehunters currently in service. Orders for the remaining two vessels […]
NTD Shielding installs RF chamber for the BBC During 2019 NTD Shielding Services installed and commissioned a high-performance RF chamber for the BBC.
MPE has a long and successful history of supplying EMC and EMP filter solutions to the power industry in the USA and, having previously conducted presentations for the likes of the Engineering Council of the North-East (ECNE), the company’s business in this sector continues to grow significantly.
Via Electrade GmbH, its Bronze distribution partner for Germany, MPE has supplied a range of EMC filters to Drehtainer GmbH for integration into its portfolio of highly sophisticated command posts, containers and shelters.
MPE publishes the Thirtieth issue of its company newsletter, providing information regarding the organisation, products, distributors and recent applications.
MPE has supplied a custom filter solution to the WISENT 2 is one of the world’s most advanced multi-functional armoured support vehicles (ASVs).