HEMP Shelter Protection
HEMP shelters from Jaxon for the DoD
Jaxon have constructed many modular hardened shelters for a US DoD program, incorporating suites of MPE’s high-performance HEMP power line and AC and DC control line filters. Two MPE power line filters are located on the left wall of the shelter pictured above.
During 2021 and 2022 Jaxon Engineering & Maintenance constructed and supplied a number of modular, HEMP hardened shelters for a United States Department of Defense (DoD) program. Each of these modular shelters incorporated a suite of MPE’s high-performance HEMP filters.
Providing turnkey electromagnetic pulse (EMP) shielding products and services to the DoD and to commercial customers alike, Jaxon, a specialist Mil-Std test house, are one of the most trusted providers of HEMP advice, testing and integration in the USA.
Having always been based in Colorado Springs and following rapid and significant growth over the previous three-year period, Jaxon moved in 2021 to a new, purpose-built facility in their city, which is located on the edge of the Southern Rocky Mountains. The new facility provides a larger area to accommodate their expanded team and an increased manufacturing capability to manage the numerous programs now being serviced.

Jaxon have constructed many modular hardened shelters for a US DoD program, incorporating suites of MPE’s high-performance HEMP power line and AC and DC control line filters. Two MPE power line filters are located on the left wall of the shelter pictured above.
Designed and manufactured to be fully compliant with Mil- Std-188-125, filter selection was a critical element of Jaxon’s HEMP shelter program for the DoD. MPE filters were specified because of their proven track record of high reliability in the field. MPE’s product solutions included power line filters ranging from 32A to 200A alongside other AC and DC control line filters. They were supplied through 2021 and 2022, with 100% on-time delivery ensuring that program schedules were maintained.
Furthermore MPE is currently manufacturing another large filter order for supply to Jaxon in late 2022. These filters will be integrated into a hardened operations centre being constructed by Jaxon for a commercial utility provider, with the project due to be completed in the first quarter of 2023.
For details of MPE’s world-leading high-performance HEMP filter products check out www.mpe.co.uk/category/hemp or email MPE at sales@mpe.co.uk. Further information on Jaxon Engineering & Maintenance can be found at www.jaxon-em.com or by calling the company direct at Colorado Springs on (001) 719 484 8750 or emailing info@jaxon-em.com