MPE Limited
Hammond Road
Knowsley Industrial Park Liverpool
L33 7UL
T: +44 (0)151 632 9100


EMI Filters

Satcom Chamber Protection

High-performance solutions for satcoms innovator  NTD Shielding Services have installed three bespoke chamber solutions for Isotropic Systems at Reading, each incorporating MPE’s high-performance EMC filters. With offices in the UK and USA, Isotropic Systems is a world-leading developer of transformational broadband terminal technologies named in the Lazard T100 Index.

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MPE Expands Power Line Filter Ranges

Having been manufacturing and supplying more and more high performance EMI filters on a customised basis to meet escalating demands, MPE has now taken the logical step of extending the array of these filters available as standard catalogue products.

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Connector Innovations

Beth Maundrill of Digital Battlespace explores how companies are innovating, to provide the cables and connectors industry needs to ensure people, vehicles and buildings remain protected, while capability and weight requirements are met.

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